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Litter-Robot Open Air Available Now at RobotShop

Update: The Litter-Robot Open Air is now available in Europe and United Kingdom at RobotShop!

Litter-Robot announced a few months ago that they were coming out with a new product in the robot pet care category. The Litter-Robot Open Air, is the newest model and a major revision to follow the highly successful Litter-Robot II. We have received inquiries from many customers as to when the Litter-Robot Open Air would be available in North America, and here it is.

We are proud to announce that the Litter-Robot Open Air is now available for purchase at RobotShop. This new model includes various new features such as a bigger opening to accommodate all cats, a new self-adjusting cat sensor, a full drawer indicator, new options on the control panel, a night light and a newer and nicer look. These improvements are based on customer feedback that the manufacturer received within the past 15 years.

First thing that stands out is the new larger and more ergonomic opening the Litter chamber offers.

Litter-Robot Open Air front view with larger opening

Litter-Robot Open Air front view with larger opening

Their is no longer a switch for the power, it’s now a button on the control panel and there is as before the cycle and empty buttons. The cycle button will perform a full cycle of the unit and empty will rotate in the other way to empty out all the cat litter. It is now possible to press and hold the buttons for different options and we will break it down for you.

Pressing and holding down the cycle button will activate the sleep mode, this mode will keep the automatic cycle from starting for eight hours. Once it has been set it will repeat each day until deactivated.

The cat sensor is automatically adjustable, so don’t forget to press reset before adding some extra litter in the globe or the cycle will automatically start. There is three timer settings for the cat sensor, 3 minutes, 7 minutes or 15 minutes. You can change this setting by pressing and holding down the empty button and using the reset button to select which timer setting you would like. Pressing on the reset button will be necessary for when adding new litter in the globe so that the cat sensor doesn’t go off. The cat sensor will adjust for cats of different weight automatically and the Open air can be used with all cats of 5 lbs or more.

In the new Litter-Robot there is an automatic light for night time, the MoonGlo NiteLite which is a blue Led. It is possible to not have this light turn on automatically by pressing and holding down the power button.

Litter-Robot Open Air front view with MoonGlo NiteLite

Litter-Robot Open Air front view with MoonGlo NiteLite

The drawer has better holders for the liners and their is a sensor that detects if the drawer gets to full. It generally can go for about five to six days with two cats before changing the liner. The top rubber part on the drawer is easily removable for a good cleaning.

Drawer View of the New Easy Liner Holders

Drawer View of the New Easy Liner Holders

This covers all the major new features that this product has. Please do not hesitate to leave a comment if you have questions, about the product, if you wish to purchase click here.




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