Techy at day, Blogger at noon, and a Hobbyist at night

Techy at day, Blogger at noon, and a Hobbyist at night

Super Park light

Posted: 08 Aug 2013 01:44 AM PDT

Been thinking of using 5mm leds as park light and signal lights as well, in replacement for filament type ones to conserve battery energy and minimize discharge activity to prolong its life..and came my first revision that uses the 5mm leds as park lights. FIRST revision LED park lights.............still i used it for almost 2 years on my bike without no problem but then since i am an enthusiast

Universal Battery Charger

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 06:42 PM PDT

Universal battery charger is a type of charger that can be used on almost all possible kind of battery available like SLA (sealed Lead Acid), Lithium-ion (used on laptop batteries), lithium polymer (used on cellphone and small electronic gadget, Ni-cd (nicad) and Ni-Mh (nickel Metal Hydride) batteries used on portable power and hand tools. It has a settings for all mentioned battery, and

Spark Plug Cap Resistor

Posted: 07 Aug 2013 06:14 PM PDT

I recently encountered another problem with my suzuki ignition, that even if i am kicking the hell on the kick starter wont even nudge or start my bike. Ever since i added this ignition-wire-ground-strap , it became a tester of some sort due to the spark jumping on that shield ground, that from there it is telling me, the PLUG CAP resistor is too corroded to accept even an arc to feed the

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