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Fermilab’s Electromagnet Passes by Trossen Robotics HQ Tonight!

Posted: 24 Jul 2013 12:55 PM PDT

Fermilab ring

For the last month, the Trossen Team has been following the journey of Fermilab’s 50-foot-wide electromagnet. The electromagnet boarded a barge in Brookhaven new York on June 22nd, then slowly made it’s way down the coast, into the gulf of Mexico, up the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers, and finally landed in Lemont Illinois. This entire week the Fermilab Team/Authorities have been closing down roadways at night to let the massive magnet pass. Well tonight, the magnet will pass right next to our offices! We’re getting ready to have a roof party and greet the ring in style.

The ring is currently residing at a parking lot about 6 miles away from our office. They’re planning on moving the ring at about 11:30, so we’re hoping to catch a glimpse of it sometime around midnight. We’ll keep you posted with video and photos as it passes by.

Save 10-40% on Variety Packs, InterbotiX Robot Kits and More!

Posted: 24 Jul 2013 07:04 AM PDT


We’re having a huge sale to announce our new variety packs! These variety packs give you a great assortment of tools, hardware or cables all at a low price. So for a limited time we’ll be offering all of our variety packs at 40% off! These packs include
-Nut and Bolt Variety Pack
-Standoff Variety Pack
-3 Pin DYNAMIXEL Cable Variety Pack
-RobotGeek Sensor Cable Variety Pack
-Hex Key Variety Pack
-Screwdriver Variety Pack

On top of that, all the Interbotix Labs kits have been marked down 20%! This includes all of our Crawlers, Arms, and Turrets!
And as if all of that isn’t enough, everything else in the store is 10% off! Just use the code variety13 to take advantage of this great sale.

Offer does not Include DYNAMIXEL PRO Robot Actuator or Point Grey Research Cameras. Sale ends Friday July 26th at 11:59pm.

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